How to have a Lucid dream

Hi, I’m James – Would you like to have multiple Lucid dreams a night? and no disruption to your sleep? If the answer is yes! then what I would like to share is an easy, natural way to achieve Lucid Dreams.

This page covers the 5 steps I use to achieve regular Lucid dreams and what you’ll need if you want to give them a try.

These 5 steps are not done in the middle of the night and you don’t need to set alarms or do anything else that will upset your natural sleep.

These 5 steps are done during a set block of time of your choosing. Then when you later go to sleep – the 5 steps will help give you Lucid dreams.

These steps can help you control stress, hypertension, anxiety, insomnia, and reduce symptoms of certain types of chronic pain. Lower your blood pressure, slow your heart rate, clean your lungs, improve energy levels and clear your mind.

If you have stumbled upon this page by happenstance and haven’t a clue what a Lucid dream is or why you would want to have one; then if you’re interested please see the page What is lucid dreaming and or Why Lucid dream.


1. Relax your body


2. Clear your mind


3. Move energy

raising energy

4. Raise energy


5. Trance

Lucid dreaming methods

There are seemingly infinite Lucid dreaming methods to be found. Some include hacking your natural sleep patterns by waking up in the middle of the night – trying to recall the last dream you we’re having. Along with countless other theories and practices to get Lucid.

Some Lucid dream methods apparently can be learnt in 5 minutes or by tonight or indeed instantly. These methods may or may not be accurate. For me, they weren’t. I discovered regular Lucid dreaming by accident while concentrating my efforts on trying to have an Out of body experience (Astral projection).

If you are trying to induce Lucid dreaming, quick win methods may be the path for you. If you have attempted these and not had much luck, then what you will hopefully learn from me is what I learnt as a welcomed side effect of my Astral projection practice. I have had hundreds of Lucid dreams via these methods – Let me show you how.

So why do these 5 Lucid dreaming steps work as a Lucid dream inducer?

All I can confidently say is I had no Lucid dreams before my concentrated Astral projection efforts in 2013. Then regularly had 4 or 5 Lucid dreams a week after starting. On frequent occasions, I’ve had several Lucid dreams in a single night.

These Lucid dream induction steps stop short of all the steps required to have an Astral Projection which would also include triggering the Astral projection reflex.

What do you need to achieve regular Lucid dreams?

A quiet break from your day. The regular duration you decide will go along way towards how quickly you achieve Lucid dreaming. Keeping a Dream journal is also important to your success. Just close your eyes and follow these 5 easy steps to Relax your body, Move energy, Clear your mindRaise energy and enter the trance state. After completing these 5 steps and then later going to sleep you don’t need to do anything else special to induce Lucid dreams. These Lucid dream steps have led to no disruption to my sleep patterns and have helped me to have hundreds of exciting Lucid dreams.

When is the best time to carry out these Lucid dreaming steps?

There may be benefits to carrying out these Lucid dreaming steps just before you go to bed as it is often said that what is on your mind before you go to sleep can influence your dreams. This may or may not be accurate.

I generally practice these steps in the evening before bed. I have also practised early in the morning and the occasional lunchtime.

How long should you spend practicing these 5 Lucid dreaming steps?

I have had weeks of doing at least 30 minutes a night and also, times where a few days have passed, and I haven’t undertaken any Lucid dreaming practice. I would suggest these 5 steps suit anybody enthusiastic about how to have Lucid dreams—catering for individuals who can’t always commit to Lucid dreaming practice every night.

I believe, stimulating your energy body is like charging a battery. If you do a lot of practice, then you will have a lot of charges. Lucid dreams will be incredibly vivid and the level of control you have over the Lucid dream will be extraordinary.

Missing a few days or weeks, the charge will lower and the clarity and control will decrease. You can still experience Lucid Dreaming; but perhaps you are lucid one minute and then sucked back into the narrative of the dream the next.

Your Journey

Guiding you step by step through each of the 5 steps.

Choose individual guided audio durations to suit you.


Step 1 – Relax your body
(Progressive Muscle Relaxation)

Find a comfortable position and close your eyes. Pick any position you like not too comfortable as we don’t want you nodding off at this point. If you are prone to be tired all the time due to the demands of modern life, then firstly I hear you. Secondly, if at all possible, try to get some more sleep.

The purpose of these 5 Lucid dreams steps is to influence your sleep, not induce it. A quick way to stop yourself from falling asleep during these Lucid dreams steps is to introduce discomfort.

For example, if sitting keep your head in its natural balanced position throughout and not supported. This way, every time you start to fall asleep you will be naturally woken up by the movement of your head. Be careful of course not to hurt your neck.

If you prefer laying down then another technique is to raise your forearms. If you start to drift off to sleep then your arms will fall hopefully waking you up.

When you are comfortable – but not too comfortable. Close your eyes, tense and release all areas of your body. Remove tension from your joints and muscles, breath in (tense) and breath out (release) focusing on feeling relaxed.

For example, start at your feet, breath in and tense your feet. Hold the tension for five seconds and then breath out and release the tension.

Then do your calves, knees, thighs and all other areas of your body. Remember to finish with a couple of big full body stretches to make sure you have released as much tension as you can.

Progressive Muscle Relaxation Collection


SKU: PMR-105 Categories: ,


The (PMR-105) collection includes 6 x individual guided audios (PMR-5, PMR-10, PMR-15, PMR-20, PMR-25, PMR-30) totalling 105 mins of guided Progressive Muscle Relaxation. The PMR-105 collection allows you to experiment with various durations of Progressive muscle relaxation. PMR-5 is 5-minute audio quickly covering the basics of Progressive muscle relaxation. Whereby PMR-30 is a 30-minute guided audio covering Progressive muscle relaxation in more depth. PMR-10, PMR-15, PMR-20, PMR-25 cover the core elements of Progressive muscle relaxation in increasing levels of detail.


The practice of concentrating on specific parts of the body and focusing on removing tension in that area can be a great way of identifying and reducing stress and anxiety in the body. Muscle pain, tension and stiffness are some of the most common symptoms brought on by stress and anxiety. Progressive muscle relaxation can activate the relaxation response lowering heart rate, calming the mind and reducing muscle tension.


These 6 x guided audio files use a guided narrative and Autogenic training.


Please do not listen to this guided audio meditation while you are operating heavy machinery or in any situation, you need to be alert.


Step 1 - (optional) Deep breathing exercises

Deep breathing exercises consist of setting some time aside to concentrate on your breathing. With eyes open or closed, you carry out a variety of tasks helping you fill and empty your lungs, clear the mind and calm the soul.


Deep breathing exercises can help manage stress and anxiety levels, lower blood pressure, slow heart rate, clean lungs, improve energy levels and help alleviate insomnia. Deep breathing exercises combined with techniques like Autogenic training and guided Visualisation, can calm and help clear the mind. On the whole Deep breathing exercises can make you healthier by reducing your stress and anxiety levels. Tackle insomnia.
Improve energy levels and strengthen and increase lung capacity.

Deep breathing can improve your energy levels

Lots of people fail to breathe deeply when they feel tense. Using weaker surrounding muscles that don’t fill the lungs to their full capacity. Shallow breathing stops the body from getting enough oxygen. The general principle of correct breathing is to make it deeper, slower, quieter and more regular. This action forces more oxygen into your cells which in turn slows your heart rate, lowers your blood pressure and improves blood circulation, providing you with more energy.

Deep breathing helps to clean your lungs

Polluted airborne particles can infiltrate the lungs contributing to sickness. These foreign particles enter the lungs irritating the sensitive tissues. Deep breathing forces oxygen into even the deepest parts of your lungs. This action breaks up any foreign particles and residue that may have been lurking. A regular deep breathing exercise routine can help clean your lungs, stopping external alien particles from building up in your lungs and further preventing you from getting sick as often as you usually might. Deep breathing exercises can also help improve lung capacity and performance.

Deep breathing reduces stress and anxiety

Millions of people across the world suffer from stress and anxiety daily. Bad, short, shallow breathing habits trigger the mind to feel like it’s in danger. It’s part of the fight or flight instinct of all living creatures. Deep breathing means the body is relaxed, and there is no need to run. This process can put you at ease and reduce the amount of stress or anxiety a person feels. Deep breathing instructs the nervous system to calm down. Deep breathing exercises offer many health benefits. They are simple to perform anywhere that you can concentrate. Regular deep breathing exercises reduce stress and anxiety within a short time of undertaking Deep breathing exercises; you should notice positive changes in your physical and mental health.

Deep breathing exercises for sleep and fighting Insomnia

The body completes millions of tasks on your behalf. Getting a good nights sleep gives your body uninterrupted time to make you the healthiest it can. Humans on average if living to the ripe old age of 75 would have slept for 25 years of their lives. If you have trouble sleeping then undertaking Deep breathing exercises before bed should help you achieve a good night’s sleep. Deep breathing slows your heart rate and lowers your blood pressure. The Deep breathing exercise technique that I would like to share includes the use of Autogenic training, Breath counting and Visualisation techniques.

Deep Breathing Exercises Collection


SKU: DBE-105 Categories: ,


This collection of 6 x guided audios is excellent for experimenting with various durations of Meditation. The short 5-minute audio quickly covers the basics of Deep breathing exercises. The 30-minute audio covers the practice in more depth. The other included audios varying from 10 – 25 minutes cover the core elements.


Research suggests carrying out Deep breathing exercises can help manage stress and anxiety levels. Lower blood pressure. Slow heart rate. Clean lungs and improve energy levels and help alleviate insomnia. Deep breathing exercises combined with techniques like Autogenic training and guided Visualisation, can calm and help Clear the mind.

On the whole Deep breathing exercises can make you healthier by reducing your stress and anxiety levels. Tackling insomnia, improving energy levels and strengthening and increasing lung capacity. Read more…


These 6 x guided audio files use a guided narrative. Autogenic training and Binaural beats background music to help relax your body and take your brainwaves down to states associated with Meditation.


Please do not listen to this guided audio Meditation while you are operating heavy machinery or in any situation, you need to be alert.

Step 2 - Clear your mind

It’s common sense to proclaim that clearing your mind of distracting thoughts can be a great way to concentrate. This is, of course, easier said than done. Clearing your mind can enhance your health and creativity, decluttering the path to achieving your goals.

If you have trouble clearing your mind, then you are certainly not alone. A quick test is to sit quietly, close your eyes and think of nothing. If you can do this for a few minutes, then you will find these 5 Lucid dream steps a breeze. If pestering thoughts keep popping back into your mind, then you’re going to need some help.

We all suffer from stress in our lives at different times. We can blame modern living, transport, people amongst an infinite set of variables. Many people dwell on factors that cause stress in moments of downtime. This downtime is then used thinking of ways to solve issues. Sometimes just making yourself angry without being able to formulate a plan to solve the problems.


Rumination is the focus on negative events in the past or future. This creates stress for yourself in the present. Triggering the stress response and starving you of the joy of the moment. Rumination can make you tired and irritable. You may develop headaches, body tension, and overall bad temperament. Clearing your mind can stop ruminating.

Clear Your Mind Collection


SKU: CYM-105 Categories: ,


This collection includes 6 x individual guided audios (CYM-5, CYM-10, CYM-15, CYM-20, CYM-25, CYM-30) totalling 105 mins of guided Clear your mind meditation. The CYM-105 collection is designed for you to experiment with various durations of Clearing your mind. CYM-5 is a 5-minute audio quickly covering the basics of Clearing your mind. Whereas CYM-30 is a 30-minute guided audio covering Clearing your mind in more depth.CYM-10, CYM-15, CYM-20, CYM-25 cover the core elements of Clearing your mind in increasing levels of detail.

We all suffer from stress in our lives at different times. We can blame modern living, transport, people amongst an infinite set of variables. Many people dwell on factors that cause stress in moments of downtime. This downtime is then used thinking of ways to solve issues. Sometimes just making yourself angry without being able to formulate a plan to solve the problems.


Rumination is the focus on negative events in the past or future. This creates stress for yourself in the present. Triggering the stress response and starving you of the joy of the moment. Rumination can make you tired and irritable. You may develop headaches, body tension, and overall bad temperament. Clearing your mind can help stop ruminating.

Step 3 - Moving energy

Focus your awareness on different parts of your body. For example inside your left or right foot or indeed both feet at the same time. Put your complete awareness inside your feet. Imagine you’re feeling inside your ankles and toes. Gently tickling them or rubbing them or squeezing them with imaginary hands.

Do whatever it takes to start to make your feet begin to throb or tingle or buzz.
Other ideas include imagining warm sponges going through your feet or warm bandages being wrapped around your feet.
It doesn’t matter too much what you are imagining. The important part is focusing on a particular area of your body in order to stimulate the energy there. Then when you’re ready, move onto the next part of your body.

I imagine white energy balls initially in my feet. Humming, crackling and shooting energy into my toes. Then moving up my legs to my hips and then around other parts of my body. With a bit of practice in moving your awareness around your body. Before long, you will feel some powerful energy movements.

Body Scan Meditation Collection


SKU: BSM-105 Categories: ,


This collection includes 6 x individual guided audios (BSM-5, BSM-10, BSM-15, BSM-20, BSM-25, BSM-30) totalling 105 mins of guided Body Scan Meditation. The BSM-105 collection is designed for you to experiment with various durations of Body Scan Meditation. BSM-5 is a 5-minute audio quickly covering the basics of Body Scan Meditation. Whereas BSM-30 is a 30-minute guided audio covering Body Scan Meditation in more depth. BSM-10, BSM-15, BSM-20, BSM-25 cover the core elements of Body Scan Meditation in increasing levels of detail.


This guided audio can help reduce stress, hypertension, alleviate anxiety, lower blood pressure and clear your mind. Body scan meditation is also a great precursor to sleep, as the practice of identifying and working with physical or emotional issues before sleep is a great way of programming the body to prioritize your desire to sleep above other issues that are causing you insomnia


These 6 x guided audio files use a guided narrative and Autogenic training.


Please do not listen to this guided audio meditation while you are operating heavy machinery or in any situation, you need to be alert.

Step 4 – Raising Energy

In my experience, raising energy does not mean that you are going to have more energy. Please do not forgo sleep or food or anything else that will directly impact your energy levels. In the context of this meditation, you imagine white energy balls or any other method you desire. You breathe in and send energy up from your feet, through your body to the top of your head. On the out-breath, you imagine the energy coming down through your body back down to your feet. Bounce the energy up and down your body. Fast, slow and somewhere in the middle.

When you’re doing this right, you will find the energy start moving up and down on its own. Remember your breathing—breath in on the up and out on the down. When you have achieved a steady rhythm firstly enjoy the peculiar sensations. Then when you’re ready. On the down cycle, send the energy into your sub navel storage centre, which is just below your belly button—this area stores extra energy. You’re going to need this extra energy to give to your energy body. This stored energy can then be used to hopefully wake you up in your sleep. Giving you access to Lucid dreams.

Using these techniques, try storing energy in other parts of your body. From the research, I have carried out. Sending energy to your chakras is good practice. I sent a lot of energy to my Brow Chakra once. I was then in awe of a camera type flash that I saw in my mind’s eye. It surprised me, and I was pleased when I researched this phenomenon. A popular belief was I had overstimulated my brow chakra. It had released the extra energy as an explosion of white light. It was something that I was excited to tell people about.

Guided Audios

Raising energy (RAI-105)


SKU: RAI-105 Categories: ,


This collection can produce some strange feelings in the body and camera type flashing in the mind’s eyes. Why or if it contributes to regular lucid dreaming or Astral projections is still up for debate. Raising energy has been part of my meditation process whilst attempting to Astral project and I personally think it has contributed to achieving the abundance of Lucid dreams I’ve had.

This meditation uses Visualization. You imagine energy balls, buzzing and crackling with energy. Moving up and down your body. On the in-breath, the energy balls move up from your toes, up to the top of your head. Then on the out-breath, the energy balls are sent back down to your toes. This meditation helps you relax and focus on the process of moving energy around your body.

In my experience, this meditation produces strange sensations in the body and camera type flashes in the mind’s eye. I’ve used this meditation frequently and it seems to coincide with the abundance of Lucid dreams I have had. This meditation is similar to Body Scan meditation. However, the speed at which you visit each part of your body is accelerated into a rhythm up and down your body.

The theory behind the practice is Raising energy helps further relax the body removing tension in joints and muscles and stimulates your energy body. This energy stimulation helps relax the tension in your body preparing you for the trance state, which is a step closer to Astral Projection. I believe this stimulation in the energy body can also arouse you when you sleep, somehow giving you access to Lucid Dreams.

This collection of 6 x guided audios is excellent for experimenting with various durations of Meditation. The short 5-minute audio quickly covers the basics of Raising energy exercises. The 30-minute audio covers the practice in more depth. The other included files varying from 10 – 25 minutes covering the core elements.


These 6 x guided audio files use a guided narrative and Autogenic training.


Please do not listen to this guided audio meditation whilst you are operating heavy machinery or in any situation, you need to be alert.

Step 5 - Achieve a trance state (Elevator)

This meditation uses Visualisation to immerse you in a fictitious environment high up on top of an impossibly tall building. From there you descend down in a glass elevator to ground level. This practice is used to promote a downward feeling within the body. This downward motion helps to take your body and mind down to levels associated with the trance state.

Elevator has been part of my meditation process whilst attempting to Astral project. I think it has also contributed to achieving an abundance of Lucid dreams. Regularly taking your body and mind down to states related to trance means you learn to train yourself to stay awake while your body is asleep. This act of remaining conscious whilst your body is asleep along with stimulating your energy body could be the reason why this practice helps achieve Lucid dreams.

Elevator Collection


SKU: ELE-105 Categories: ,


This meditation collection uses Visualisation to immerse you in a fictitious environment high up on top of an impossibly tall building. From there you descend down in a glass elevator to ground level.

This practice is used to promote a downward feeling within the body. This downward motion helps to take your body and mind down to levels associated with the trance state.

Elevator has been part of my meditation process whilst attempting to Astral project. I think it has also contributed to achieving an abundance of Lucid dreams.

The theory behind this conclusion is that regularly taking your body and mind down to states related to trance means you learn to train yourself to stay awake whilst your body is asleep. This act of remaining conscious whilst your body is asleep could be the reason why this practice helps achieve lucid dreams.
ELE-105 includes 6 x individual guided audios (ELE-5, 10, 15, 20, 25, and 30) totalling 105 mins of guided meditation.
The ELE-105 collection is designed for you to experiment with various durations of meditations. ELE-5 is 5-minute audio quickly covering the basics. Whereas ELE-30 is a 30-minute guided audio covering this guided meditation in more depth. ELE-10, 15, 20 and 25 cover the core elements in increasing levels of detail.


These 6 x guided audio files use a guided narrative and Autogenic training.


Please do not listen to this guided audio meditation while you are operating heavy machinery or in any situation, you need to be alert.

Steps (Optional)

This meditation uses visualisation to help you achieve a trance state. Promoting a downward motion within your mind and body this meditation has you visualise a set of steps disappearing down off into the distance. You slowly descend these steps concentrating on how your body feels as you descend down.

I use a combination of Elevator and Steps to help me achieve a trance state when meditating to increase Lucid dreams. I also use both these meditations on route to achieving an Astral Projection.

Steps – 105


SKU: STE-105 Categories: ,


This meditation collection uses visualisation to help you achieve a trance state. Promoting a downward motion within your mind and body this meditation has you visualise a set of steps disappearing down off into the distance. You slowly descend these steps concentrating on how your body feels as you descend down.

This practice is used to promote a downward feeling within the body. This downward motion helps to take your body and mind down to levels associated with the trance state.

Steps have been part of my meditation process whilst attempting to Astral project. I think it has also contributed to achieving an abundance of Lucid dreams.

The theory behind this conclusion is that regularly taking your body and mind down to states related to trance means you learn to train yourself to stay awake whilst your body is asleep. This act of remaining conscious whilst your body is asleep could be the reason why this practice helps achieve lucid dreams.
STE-105 includes 6 x individual guided audios (STE-5, 10, 15, 20, 25, and 30) totalling 105 mins of guided meditation.
The STE-105 collection is designed for you to experiment with various durations of meditations. ELE-5 is 5-minute audio quickly covering the basics. Whereas ELE-30 is a 30-minute guided audio covering this guided meditation in more depth. ELE-10, 15, 20 and 25 cover the core elements in increasing levels of detail.


These 6 x guided audio files use a guided narrative and Autogenic training.


Please do not listen to this guided audio meditation while you are operating heavy machinery or in any situation, you need to be alert.


Dream Journal

A Dream journal is a place you record events that happen in your dreams after you have woken up. The best method seems to be writing out keywords that summarise your experiences, sequences, influences, people, questions, guesswork, and hindsight.

Keyword example

If you dreamt you were running on a beach barefoot and the sand was so hot you couldn’t stand still while being chased by aliens in banana-shaped spaceships all shouting out your favorite TV show!

You might write in your dream journal “beach, hot, sand, Aliens, bananas, spaceships, tv”. You can, of course, flush out all the juicy details and write them in your Dream journal later. The power of initially using keywords is to just get the experience recorded before you forget all the juicy details. The mind, especially when you are new to keeping a Dream journal often erases these dream memories, replacing them with more pressing issues like the day’s plans.


Affirmations are statements of intent. In a Lucid dreaming context, saying out loud or listening to yourself or somebody else repeating over and over for a short amount of time a sentence or two. Along the lines of “I enjoy having dreams I can control, I enjoy lucid dreaming” is said to help your mind, higher self or spiritual guide understanding your intent.

According to research stating the request in present tenths is the best strategy to use. I use affirmations regularly as it makes sense to me that saying out loud or quietly in your mind your intention would be a positive exercise to focus the mind.

Reality checks

In the context of trying to Lucid dream. A Reality check is something that you regularly do during the day. To prove to yourself that you are not currently dreaming. In theory, this regular activity may prompt your subconscious to carry out a Reality check whilst you are actually dreaming. Hopefully then making you aware you are dreaming and giving you a Lucid Dream.


That’s it! These 5 How to Lucid dream steps have helped me have hundreds of exciting Lucid dreams. I hope they help you too.


I would just like to state that these products won’t necessarily work for everybody. We are all wired up differently. Just like giving somebody membership to a gym doesn’t guarantee they will achieve the body of their dreams. The products that I have designed are based on what has worked for me. I have tried to offer as much flexibility and generalisation in these products as possible.

As I evolve myself with these teachings, I will no doubt tweak or enhance existing products along with introducing new ones.

Managing expectations

I think it boils down to where you are currently with your journey to achieving Lucid Dreams. If currently, you don’t remember your dreams, don’t keep a dream journal and you have never sat quietly, cleared your mind and tried any form of meditation. Then perhaps using the free guide or purchasing a 5-minute audio isn’t really going to help you achieve Lucid dreams. The message I want to share is practice makes perfect. Just like using that newly acquired gym membership. Turning up in your gym kit, fast walking on the treadmill for 5 minutes then leaving and buying a cake isn’t really going to help you lose weight.

Minimum requirements

As a guide. I recommend you need to at the very least be spending 5 minutes on each of the 5 steps and you need to be keeping a Dream journal.

Using the Free How to Lucid dream downloadable guide you will need to manage this duration yourself. Purchasing a How to Lucid dream guided audio pack the duration is already set. You just need to put the equivalent amount of time aside to listen to the audios.

I hope that helps state the minimum requirements for these products. Yes, I am pushing the guided audios as a revenue stream, but I also always want to offer free downloads as an alternative.

I just wanted to clarify expectations. My products are not magic bullets. I would describe them as refined steps that require effort to help you achieve Relaxation and or Lucid dreams and or Astral Projections.

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