Rope – 105


Introduction to (ROP-105) - Guided meditation
Sample of Rope guided meditation


ROP-105 includes 6 x individual guided audios (ROP-5, 10, 15, 20, 25, and 30) totalling 105 mins of guided meditation.

The ROP-105 collection is designed for you to experiment with various durations of meditation. ROP-5 is 5-minute audio quickly covering the basics. Whereas ROP-30 is a 30-minute guided audio covering the meditation in more depth. ROPI-10, 15, 20 and 25 cover the core elements in increasing levels of detail.


These 6 x guided audio files use a guided narrative and Autogenic training.


Please do not listen to this guided audio meditation whilst you are operating heavy machinery or in any situation, you need to be alert.

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