
This page covers the Out meditation, free downloadable guide and guided audio meditations.

What is Out?

This meditation uses Visualisation to help you trigger the Astral projection reflex. The Astral projection reflex is the name for a process whereby your body allows a copy of your consciousness to safely and consciously leave your body temporarily.

For more information on this theory and Astral projection – please see /astral-projection.
This meditation uses visualisation to help you move your point of awareness out and away from your body.


Please see below for the OUT steps

OUT Meditation

  1. Find a comfortable position. With eyes closed, focus on the blackness, try to keep your mind clear.
  2. If distracting thoughts enter your mind, gently send them away.
  3. Just focus on the blackness behind your closed eyes.
  4. Move your attention to the leading edge of your breath as it enters and exits your body.
  5. Now, bring your awareness to the environment around you. With eyes closed imagine where doors, windows, walls and furniture are. If outside, trees, lakes, buildings or whatever else currently surrounds you. 
  6. Imagine what each object would look like from your current location if your eyes were open.
  7. Next, focus your attention inside your feet. Let the rest of your body fade and just focus inside both of your feet. Notice feelings. pulsing, throbbing or tickling sensations inside your feet. 
  8. Take a deep breath in and move this energy wave up from your feet. Up your legs, through your hips, stomach. Up your chest and Neck. Up through your head, up to the top of your head.
  9. Breath out and send the wave down through your Head, Neck, Chest, Stomach, Hips and Legs. Back to your feet.
  10. Repeat this cycle.
  11. Moving the energy wave from your feet up to your head and back down again.
  12. Breath in on the way up to your head. Breath out on the way down to your feet.
  13. Find a steady rhythm and bounce the energy from feet to head and back again. Using your In and out-breaths as a directional guide.
  14. Again, imagine what each object would look like from your current location if your eyes were open as you continue bouncing the energy wave from feet to head and back again.
  15. Now, focus on your breathing. Don’t change it, just observe.
  16. This time as you breathe in, feel your whole body expanding. Imagine your body expanding to the edges of your environment. Completely filling it.
  17. On the out-breath feel your whole body shrinks back down to normal size.
  18. Deep breath in and out, each time feeling your body expanding to the edges of your environment and then shrinking back down to normal size.
  19. Find a steady rhythm. Breath in, expanding your body, filling your environment.  
  20. Breath out shrinking back down to normal size.
  21. On the in-breath imagine what objects look like close up as you fill your environment. Then shrink back down to normal size. 
  22. Next, move your awareness away from your body. Concentrate on how the environment looks as you expand and shrink. Objects getting closer and further away.
  23. Now, Imagine yourself shrinking down in your environment. From normal size down to the size of an atom. 
  24. On the In-breath imagine yourself shrinking down to the size of an atom. Imagine what your environment would look like as you shrink down to the size of an atom.
  25. On the out breath imagine yourself expanding from the size of an atom, back to your normal size.
  26. Breath in and shrink down and breath out and expand back to normal size. 
  27. Shrink and expand. 
  28. Now, without moving a muscle. Imagine what it feels like to move to a position a short distance away from your current position.
  29. Imagine what the environment would look like from your new position.
  30. Bounce your awareness from your current position to the new position and back again.
  31. Notice how your imaginary view of objects shifts as you bounce between your current position and your new position.
  32. Back and forth, back and forth – form a steady rhythm.
  33. Now try and just keep your concentration, your awareness  in your new position.
  34. Imagine what the objects in your environment look like from your new position.
  35. Focus on keeping your awareness in your new position. Outside your body.
  36. Let thoughts of your body fade and just focus on how the environment, objects look in your new position.
  37. Now, move from your new position to another new position. Imagining how the environment would now look from your new position.
  38. Keep your awareness outside your body. Again move to another new position.
  39. Concentrate your awareness on your environment as you move from position to position.
  40. Now imagine moving away further away from your body. Out the room if inside or off out of sight if outside, down the path, road or whatever is available in and around your current  environment.  Walk through walls, doors, notice trees, ponds or seas or over under or threw anything that’s around you.
  41. Concentrate on moving, imagining objects.
  42. You are safe, relaxed and focused as you continue moving through the environment.
  43. Now, return your awareness back behind your closed eyes. Focus on the blackness. Notice shapes or just concentrate on the blackness.
  44. Next scan your body and notice tinkling, buzzing or throbbing or any other sensations in your body.
  45. You feel safe and relaxed.
  46. Now, without moving or tensing a muscle. Again imagine yourself moving from your current position.
  47. Let thoughts of your body fade and concentrate your awareness leaving your body.
  48. Notice how things look with your awareness alone as you leave your body behind and begin to move through your environment away from your body.
  49. Keep moving away from your body. Notice where objects are, walls, doors, windows, trees, lakes, buildings or whatever objects surround you as you move through your environment.
  50. You feel safe, light and excited as you move through your environment



Introduction to (OUT-105) - Guided meditation
Sample of OUT guided meditation
SKU: OUT-105 Categories: , ,


This meditation collection uses Visualisation to help you trigger the Astral projection reflex. The Astral projection reflex is the name for a process whereby your body allows a copy of your consciousness to safely and consciously leave your body temporarily.For more information on this theory and Astral projection - please see /astral-projection.This meditation collection uses visualisation to help you move your point of awareness outside and away from your body. This meditation can trigger the Astral projection reflex.OUT-105 includes 6 x individual guided audios (OUT-5, 10, 15, 20, 25, and 30) totalling 105 mins of guided meditation. The OUT-105 collection is designed for you to experiment with various durations of meditations. OUT-5 is 5-minute audio quickly covering the basics. Whereas OUT-30 is a 30-minute guided audio covering this guided meditation in more depth. OUT-10, 15, 20 and 25 cover the core elements in increasing levels of detail.


These 6 x guided audio files use a guided narrative and Autogenic training.


Please do not listen to this guided audio meditation whilst you are operating heavy machinery or in any situation, you need to be alert.
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