Body Scan Meditation Collection



This collection includes 6 x individual guided audios (BSM-5, BSM-10, BSM-15, BSM-20, BSM-25, BSM-30) totalling 105 mins of guided Body Scan Meditation. The BSM-105 collection is designed for you to experiment with various durations of Body Scan Meditation. BSM-5 is a 5-minute audio quickly covering the basics of Body Scan Meditation. Whereas BSM-30 is a 30-minute guided audio covering Body Scan Meditation in more depth. BSM-10, BSM-15, BSM-20, BSM-25 cover the core elements of Body Scan Meditation in increasing levels of detail.


This guided audio can help reduce stress, hypertension, alleviate anxiety, lower blood pressure and clear your mind. Body scan meditation is also a great precursor to sleep, as the practice of identifying and working with physical or emotional issues before sleep is a great way of programming the body to prioritize your desire to sleep above other issues that are causing you insomnia


These 6 x guided audio files use a guided narrative and Autogenic training.


Please do not listen to this guided audio meditation while you are operating heavy machinery or in any situation, you need to be alert.

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