
This page covers the raising energy meditation, free downloadable guide and guided audio meditations.

What is Bounce?

This meditation uses visualisation to help you move your point of awareness outside your body. This meditation uses Visualisation to help you trigger the Astral projection reflex.

The Astral projection reflex is the name for a process whereby your body allows a copy of your consciousness to safely and consciously leave your body temporarily.

For more information on this theory and Astral projection – please see /astral-projection


Please see below for the BOU steps

Bounce Meditation

Bounce Script

  1. Find a comfortable position. Stand, sit, lay. Get into any position that enables you to relax your body and clear your mind.
  1. Focus on your breathing or the darkness behind your closed eyes.
  2. Just keep your mind clear of any thoughts.
  3. Now, focus your awareness inside your feet. Let the rest of your body fade and just focus inside both of your feet. Notice feelings there. Pulsing, throbbing, tickling or any other sensations inside your feet. 
  4. Now, take a deep breath in and move your awareness up from your feet. Up your legs, through your hips and stomach. Simultaneously up your fingers, hands, arms and chest, through your shoulders, Up your Neck. Up your head and up to the top of your head.
  5. Then Breath out and send your awareness down through your Head, Neck, shoulders, Chest, Stomach, Hips and Legs. Back down to your feet.
  6. Again, move your awareness up from your feet up to the top of your head and then back down again to your feet.
  7. Repeat this cycle, Take a deep breath in on the way up to the top of your head and breath out on the way down to your feet.
  8. Find a steady rhythm and bounce your awareness from feet to the top of your head and back again.
  9. Take a deep breath in on the way up to the top of your head and breathe out on the way back down to your feet.
  10. Use your In and out-breaths as a directional guide.
  11. Now, imagine this up and down bounce extending out through the top of your head to the nearest wall or object and then back down to extend beyond your feet to the nearest wall, floor or object.
  12. Feel your consciousness extending out from the confines of your body.
  13. Bounce your awareness up and out the top of your head and then back down In through the top of your head, down through your feet and outside your body. Leave the confines of your body, bouncing off external objects and returning back inside your body. 
  14. Breath in on the up and breath out on the down.
  15. Continue deep breathing in on the up and out on the down and imagine how objects would look close up as you extend your awareness up and out the top of your head and then bounce off them, moving back down and out your feet.
  16. Bounce your awareness up and out and down and out.
  17. Up, out, down, out.
  18. Take a few moments on each bounce cycle to notice the texture of the surfaces of objects as your awareness gets close to them on the up and out and down and out cycles.
  19. Remember your breathing. Deep breath in on the up and out, focus on the texture of the object immediately in front and then breath out and down and out, focus on the object immediately in front.
  20. On the in-breath, your awareness moves up and out the top of your head. On the out-breath, your awareness comes down your body and out your feet.
  21. Bounce up and down, each time going beyond the confines of your body. Out past your head and then down and out past your feet.
  22. Up, out, down, out.
  23. Maintain a gentle rhythm up and out of your head, noticing the surface of external objects as you bounce your awareness off them. Then back down your body, down and out of your feet. Notice the surface of external objects as you bounce your awareness off them.
  24. Now, let thoughts of your body fade and focus more on the out parts of the cycle.
  25. Focus on the look of external objects as you get close and then bounce away. Take a few moments on each cycle to slow as you near external objects.
  26. Up and down, up and down – back and forth
  27. focus on accelerating up and out through the top of your head and then slowing as you approach external objects. Then accelerate down and out, slowing as you approach external objects.
  28. Accelerate the speed of your awareness up and down, focus on slowing down as you approach external objects.
  29. Concentrate on the outs. Focus on the texture of external objects as you approach
  30. Now, slow down this cycle. Up and down up and down. Focus on the texture of external objects. Try to pause for a few moments as you approach the objects. Up and pause, then slowly accelerate away down and pause. 
  31. Up and pause, down and pause. Up and down
  32. Now bring your awareness to a stop. behind your closed eyes.
  33. To the centre of your head.
  34. Feel the energy there. Buzzing, throbbing, pulsing. Just concentrate on the blackness behind your closed eyes.
  35. Notice any patterns or just concentrate on the blackness.
  36. Now, concentrate on an object that is currently directly in front of your closed eyes. 
  37. Imagine what this object looks like if your eyes were open.
  38. With eyes closed. Bounce your awareness from behind your eyes. Out across to the object in front of your eyes and back again.
  39. Let thoughts of your body fade. Build a steady rhythm from behind your eyes to out through your head. Out to the object in front of you and back again.
  40. Now bring your attention back inside your head, behind your closed eyes.
  41. Bounce your awareness from behind your eyes. Out across to the object behind your head and back again. If your head is supported, bounce your awareness backwards through the support, out to the nearest wall or object.
  42. Let thoughts of your body fade. Build a steady rhythm from behind your eyes to out through the back of your head. Out to the object and back again.
  43.  Now bring your attention back inside your head, behind your closed eyes.
  44. Bounce your awareness out the top of your head. Out to the object above your head.
  45. With eyes closed Imagine what this object would look like up close as you bounce your awareness towards it and then back inside your head, behind your closed eyes.
  46. Bounce your awareness from inside your head. Up and out of the top of your head. Out to the object above you. Move your awareness above you. 
  47. Form a steady rhythm, try to slow down the bounce as you approach the object, imagining what the object looks like close up.
  48. Back and forth, head to object and then object back to head.
  49. Now bring your attention back inside your head, behind your closed eyes.
  50. This time move your attention out through your closed eyes to the object immediately in front of your closed eyes and then up to the object above your head and then to the object behind your head. In a semi-circle pattern.
  51. Imagine the texture close up of each object, in front, above and behind.
  52. Form a steady rhythm, the texture on the object in front, above, behind and then back inside your head.
  53. Continue this pattern. Try to keep your breathing steady as you move your awareness in front, above, behind and back inside your head.
  54. Now, move your awareness in front of your closed eyes, imagine the texture of the object immediately in front of your closed eyes.
  55. Now shift your awareness to above your head, imagine the texture of the object immediately above your head.
  56. Now shift your awareness behind your head, imagine the texture of the object immediately behind your head.
  57. Now, don’t move your awareness back inside your head, instead, shift your awareness back above your head and then in front of your closed eyes. Concentrating on the texture of the objects at each location.
  58. Keep your awareness outside your body. Let the thoughts of your body fade as you move your awareness to each external location. Front, above, behind.
  59. Now, extend your awareness to more objects. If in a room extend your awareness to a corner. If outside choose objects to bounce your awareness off. 
  60. Bounce your awareness to different objects. Imagine what each looks like close up. Then bounce to another object and back. Then another. 
  61. Each time imagining what that object looks like close up.
  62. Continue bouncing your awareness to objects.
  63. Let the thoughts of your body fade. 
  64. Find a comfortable rhythm and keep moving your awareness outside your body.
  65. From object to object. Imagining each time what the object looks like close up and then away to the next.
  66. Round and round, object to object. outside your body.
  67. Vary the speed of the cycle, fast, slow. Object to object.

Bounce – 105


Introduction to (BOU-105) - Guided meditation
Sample of Bounce - Guided meditation
SKU: BOU-105 Categories: ,


This meditation collection uses Visualisation to help you trigger the Astral projection reflex. The Astral projection reflex is the name for a process whereby your body allows a copy of your consciousness to safely and consciously leave your body temporarily.For more information on this theory and Astral projection - please see /astral-projection.This meditation collection uses visualisation to help you move your point of awareness outside your body, bouncing it off nearby objects. This meditation can trigger the Astral projection reflex.BOU-105 includes 6 x individual guided audios (BOU-5, 10, 15, 20, 25, and 30) totalling 105 mins of guided meditation. The BOU-105 collection is designed for you to experiment with various durations of meditations. BOU-5 is 5-minute audio quickly covering the basics. Whereas BOU-30 is a 30-minute guided audio covering this guided meditation in more depth. BOU-10, 15, 20 and 25 cover the core elements in increasing levels of detail.


These 6 x guided audio files use a guided narrative and Autogenic training.


Please do not listen to this guided audio meditation whilst you are operating heavy machinery or in any situation, you need to be alert.
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