We all suffer from stress in our lives at different times. We can blame modern living, transport, people amongst an infinite set of variables. Many people dwell on factors that cause stress in moments of downtime. This downtime is then used thinking of ways to solve issues. Sometimes just making yourself angry without being able to formulate a plan to solve the problems.
Rumination is the focus on negative events in the past or future. This creates stress for yourself in the present. Triggering the stress response and starving you of the joy of the moment. Rumination can make you tired and irritable. You may develop headaches, body tension, and overall bad temperament. Clearing your mind can help stop ruminating.
This guided audio can be used independently or as part of a larger relaxation routine.
This 1 x guided audio file uses a guided narrative and Autogenic training.
Please do not listen to this guided audio meditation whilst you are operating heavy machinery or in any situation, you need to be alert.