How did you generally feel going into your meditation sessions?
If you were tense, anxious or somewhat pre-occupied before starting a session this can of course hamper making progress due to the fact the 5 minute durations are very quick. By not going into them pre-settled, this may affect your chances of getting the most out of them. I would recommend making sure you have nothing pressing on your mind beforehand. Perhaps listen to some of your favourite music, take a shower or burn some essential oils to ground yourself and give yourself the best chance of getting the most out of the sessions.
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How did you find Step 1 Progressive Muscle relaxation?
If you don’t finish the session feeling warm, loose and relaxed then you may need to extend the length of the session. The purpose of PMR is to remove muscle tension. If you have medical conditions then of course PMR is not the cure. Please see the longer duration individual guided audios >
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How did you find Step 1 extended Deep Breathing Exercises?
After this session you should definitely feel as though your breathing has had a workout. Please see the longer duration individual guided audios >
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How did you find Step 2 Clearing your mind?
This step is difficult, I find my mind always trying to process multiple thoughts at a time, distracting me and making me feel mentally tired. Over time using the chimes I was able to reduce the thoughts and keep my space clear. Similar to Step 1, if you can remove pressing issues before starting the meditation then I think this would be beneficial for this and all other steps. Also, please see the longer duration individual guided audios >
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How did you find Step 3 Body scan meditation?
This step for me, was one of the steps that actually made me think; hang on a minute there might be something in this in the context of Astral projection. I was tapping into my so-called energy body and concentrating on stimulating it. This step defineatly requires a bit of belief and concentration; but you should feel energy movement sensations pretty quickly. During this step you could feel pulsing, pins and needles, camera type flashing in your minds eye, temperature changes and shivers across your body. Try not to tense any of your muscles; let your body relax; use an observer mind. Please see the longer duration individual guided audios >
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How did you find Step 4 Raising Energy?
This step you should definitely feel energy movement sensations, tingling, pulsing; pins and needles in the body. You need an open mind and a little imagination. When you’re doing this right, you will find the energy starts moving up and down on its own. Remember your breathing—breath in on the up and out on the down. Please see the longer duration individual guided audios >
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How did you find Step 5 Achieving a trance state Elevator?
Imagination is definitely required on this one. Try not to tense your body at all during this step. Observer mind, definitely needed. If you fall asleep during this step then look at adding discomfort.
Be aware, you may fall asleep during these meditations as the purpose is to take your body and mind down to states associated with trance.
A quick way to stop yourself from falling asleep is to introduce discomfort.
For example, if sitting, keep your head in its natural balanced position throughout and not supported.
This way, every time you start to fall asleep you will be naturally woken up by the movement of your head. Be careful of course not to hurt your neck.
If you prefer laying down then another technique is to raise your forearms.
If you start to drift off to sleep then your arms will fall hopefully waking you up.
Signs that you have successfully achieved a trance state are things like feeling warm and cozy all over, pulsing, pins and needles and even hearing yourself snoring.
Please see the longer duration individual guided audios >
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How did you find Step 5 extended Steps?
Same as Elevator - Imagination is definitely required on this one. Try not to tense your body at all during this step. Observer mind, definitely needed. If you fall asleep during this step then look at adding discomfort.
Be aware, you may fall asleep during these meditations as the purpose is to take your body and mind down to states associated with trance.
A quick way to stop yourself from falling asleep is to introduce discomfort.
For example, if sitting, keep your head in its natural balanced position throughout and not supported.
This way, every time you start to fall asleep you will be naturally woken up by the movement of your head. Be careful of course not to hurt your neck.
If you prefer laying down then another technique is to raise your forearms.
If you start to drift off to sleep then your arms will fall hopefully waking you up.
Signs that you have successfully achieved a trance state are things like feeling warm and cozy all over, pulsing, pins and needles and even hearing yourself snoring.
Please see the longer duration individual guided audios >
Or within the your journey section >
Or the pre-built collections >
Any other thoughts, comments or feedback ?
If no, why? - If yes > Thank you
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