How to Lucid Dream Free in 7 steps guided audios

How to Lucid dream in 7 steps introduction

How to Lucid dream in 7 steps using free guided audios for 37 minutes per day for 5 days either in the morning, afternoon or evening and then when you later go to sleep you have an increased chance of Lucid dreaming. This video recommends you listen to 7 free guided audios for 37 minutes per day for 5 days either in the morning, afternoon or evening and then when you later go to sleep you have an increased chance of Lucid dreaming as the 7 steps help stimulate your energy body and your conscious minds connection to your subconscious – due to time spent in the trance state. The 7 free guided audios include:- Progressive muscle relaxation, Deep breathing exercises, Clear your mind, Body scan meditation, Raising energy and Achieving a trance state with Elevator and or Steps. Also included is two one minute affirmations. All you need is a quiet space, optional headphones and a spare 37 minutes per day for 5 days anytime in the morning, afternoon or evening. I hope these 5 guided audios help you achieve multiple, regular Lucid dreams. For more information on these 5 guided audios and the topic of lucid dreaming.

Optional recommendations before starting this session include

Have a shower

Listen to your favourite music

Burn essential oils

Take a shower to ground yourself, burning essential oils during your practice is thought to help pre-program your mind and body to recognise the smell and associate it with meditation time. Hopefully then accelerating your process in achieving a trance. I would also recommend listening to some of your favourite music before starting.
Autogenic training, a relaxation technique focusing on promoting feelings of calm and relaxation in your body to help reduce stress and anxieties is also used during these 5 guided audios.
Please do not listen to these guided audios while you are operating heavy machinery or in any situation, you need to be alert.

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